Friday, March 12, 2010

The Milkaholic Edition

2009 was definitely the year of "Lost Celebrities". We are less then 90 days into 2010 and we have had 3 celebrities die all ready. Corey Haim was an actor from the 80's that lived life a little too fast. He was into drugs and drinking and should be the poster boy from Child Actors in Danger. Everytime he seemed to correct his life, he got into trouble again. You might remember him from The Lost Boys or Licensed to Drive. He was also in Lucas, which was a highly underrated movie with Charlie Sheen. We also lost Merlin Olsen this week. He was an NFL Hall of Famer who also turned to acting after his playing days was over. He did appear in such TV shows such as "Little House on The Praire".

It has been announced that Lindsay Lohan is suing E-Trade for one of their Super Bowl commercials. In the commercial in question the E-Trade baby is web chatting with what can only be referred to as his girlfriend. He makes an excuse why he didnt call her the night before and the girl says "As long as that milkaholic Lindsay wasn't there". He starts to make an excuse when Baby Lindsay pops up and says "Milk-a-what?" Lindsay Lohan is claiming that the Milkaholic baby is based on her because her name is Lindsay. She claims that she deserves one name credit. Like any time you hear the name Madonna, you think of Madonna. Or when you hear Cher, you think of Cher. But does Lindsay Lohan have that kind of name recongition? Ask your self that. And then... scream HELL NO GET OVER YOURSELF. Ok. I am done.

I was pretty good with my Oscar predictions. Only missing Best Director and Best Actress. I think I got everything else. Not bad for the Entertainment Guru.

I finally saw the full trailer for Iron Man II. HOLY CRAP. It does look like it can be even better then the first one.

No big surprise. Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, while for the most part trashed by the critics, topped this weekends box office. New out this week to compete will be what only looks like the next installment of the Bourne Series "Green Zone" and "She's Out Of My League", which I will see today so expect the first Entertainment Guru Movie Review coming soon. Will either top Alice? I will say no.

1 comment:

  1. The commercials for "Green Zone" make me laugh because it's all like "By the makers of the Bourne movies, starring Matt Damon, this is not a Bourne movie."

    And I'm excited to read a review of "She's Out of My League."
