I remember watching a show when it first debuted nine years ago. I saw two familiar faces from other things I had seen in the past, and three new faces that at that point I didn't think I had ever seen before (turns out that I have, but that's another story).
I remember after the first episode thinking, "This is a good show, I hope they don't cancel it." It was a very unique show.
Every season after that, I still kept waiting for them to cancel it, but they never did. Ultimately it lasted eight seasons before they said this would be the last season and now we are down to the final hour-long episode.
I am, of course, talking about "How I Met Your Mother" (as if you didn't know that, just from the name of this week's blog). And tonight we will witness the final new "How I Met Your Mother" of all time.
My absolute favorite thing about the show is the fact that the smallest detail that seemed like a throwaway joke somehow came back three seasons later and had an entire episode written about it. We have gotten the answer to every question, except for one. That being the Pineapple Incident. But according to the spotless narration by Future Ted (Bob Saget) even he doesn't know the answer to that.
While this hasn't been the best season, it has provided a lot of great moments. I think it was hindered when it was announced that the final season would take place over two days. They had to draw it out with a lot of filler episodes, which a lot of people didn't like. I can understand the point. But it was a unique way to end a very unique show.
But this got me thinking about something. There are only four shows I can say that I have watched from start to finish in my entire life, without missing a season. Two of the shows were sitcoms and they are often compared to each other. One show is, of course, "How I Met Your Mother," the other show is "Friends." The other two shows are polar opposite drama shows. One was teen -based, one is adult-based. I am referring to "Dawson's Creek" and "White Collar."
It also got me thinking about what other shows people have watched. So I turned to my Facebook friends and sent them that exact question. I was surprised by the number of responses. There were a lot of varied responses, from comedies to dramas and a few animated shows as well. For example, Steven from New Jersey has watched everything from sitcoms like "Everybody Loves Raymond" to "Big Bang Theory" with a splattering of zombie blood and the "Walking Dead." Lauren in Florida is a fan of shows like "Sex and The City," "Game Of Thrones," and "Charmed." Lori, also in New Jersey, watched every season of "House, M.D." Kevin in Nevada has watched "Friends," "Family Guy," "Supernatural," and "Hell’s Kitchen." It seems that "Walking Dead" is the most watched show of all my friends (except Lori, who just doesn't do zombies).
Thank you to 22 friends that answered the question for me. I think there will be more questions asked on Facebook for the purpose of the blog, so look for that in the future. Also if there is something you want me to discuss, feel free to contact me. That goes to anyone, not just my friends on Facebook!
Also special thanks to my wonderful editor for proof reading this and contributing to the blog as well.
In closing I would like to say thank you to Ted, Barney, Robin, Lily, and Marshall for nine legend... wait for it... dary seasons.